This post examines the Linked Jazz network diagram found at The initial view of this diagram is below, and shows the nexus of relationships between people I assume are all jazz musicians.

Some of these nodes are larger than others, both in terms of the picture of the musician and in the font size of their name, this is especially true of those located around the edge of the general oval shape. The vast majority of the nodes are dots too small to discern the picture and have no name listed until you mouse over them, which opens a dialogue box giving some general information from Wikipedia about the selected musician.

As can be seen above, doing so also grays out all extraneous data points and shows only those artists who had some relationship to the one selected. Why most edges in this mode are blue, while some are green or orange is unclear, but presuming the edges denote musical influences, the way the nodes are laid out suggests the direction of influence in this case was that which Milt Hinton had on other musicians. This appears to be the sort of information this network diagram reveals, i.e. basic information on a large number of jazz musicians and more importantly for this diagram, the lines of influence between them.
Other modes change the arrangement of nodes to highlight different things. The description of each is in the image below.

In these other modes, it is unclear to me if the meaning of the edges has changed or if it is only a change in node arrangement. One clear difference in the edges appears in the gender mode shown below, in which edges are either blue for men or red for women.

Other modes have different colors to the edges, but with no legend showing and no knowledge of jazz, what they denote is left a mystery.