The following posts demonstrate the knowledge and skills attained in the Digital Humanities course (HIST 5891) at Western Michigan University, Spring Semester 2022, including basic coding, map-building with QGIS, and running this website among other projects that use technology to further the research and presentation of historical and literary interests.
Digital Humanities Projects List
- Introductory Post
- Text Encoding Initiative Video
- Open Refine #1 British Library Data
- Open Refine #2
- Comparing Timeline Programs
- HTML Experiment #1 – The Recipe
- HTML Experiment #2 – The Poem
- Omeka #1 Working as a Contributor
- Dublin Core Records
- Open Refine #3 Datasets & Spreadsheet Design
- Omeka #2 Comparing Sites
- Spatial History Visualizations
- Network Diagrams
- Data Visualization
- Using Zotero
- QGIS #1 Map Building
- Google Maps and Google Earth
- Photogrammetry
- Organizing Images with Tropy
- Omeka #3 Creating a Site
- Universal Design
- QGIS #2 Creating Shapefiles
- Scholar’s Workbench #1
- Audacity Audio Editing
- Tableau Maps
- Scholar’s Workbench #2
- QGIS #3 Georeferencing